Sunday, June 15, 2014

Change that Spec!

I toned the spec down for the chair, it was originally leather, but I think I am going with that silk material. hmm..Might come back to this one later.
Updating the Killzone Gun

Lighting fixes everything! Aded more color to the gun instead of a flat gray. Might revisit this later for another color scheme.
Halo Prop Resurfaced

Added a bit more color to the Halo prop and fixed the muddy textures by hand...:P
Low Poly for Sci Fi Hand Rifle

A bit heavier on one end than I hoped, but I think this could just work silhouette-wise.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Re-textured Axe 2

Wanted a different feel for this weapon. Originally had a jaded green tone to it, but when rendered the lights zapped all the color out, so I saturated most of my stuff now...
Axe 1 Re-textured

More saturated colors and less gray-tones.

Axe update

Changed the shapes a bit as Dylan suggested. Added more geo to reduce faceted-ness as Rocky requested. Gonna have to redo the textures and normals.